What can floor trusses do for your home?
When considering home remodeling it is important to focus on not only the quality of the products you’re using but also their durability. For floor remodeling for instance, one place you don’t want to skimp is investing in high quality floor trusses. Traditional home framing doesn’t provide a security that home owners need to be able to invest in. Floor trusses can be specifically designed for the consumer’s needs or sent, pre-packaged for a quicker and more cost effective renovation. There are many benefits to finding the best quality floor trusses and they only begin with their ability to support the weight of the building.
What Floor Trusses Do
Floor joists provide structural support for a building-essentially they absorb the impact of the building and provide a stable floor system throughout the area. Floor trusses help create stronger, stiffer floors and bear weight more effectively in the house thereby alleviating the need for as many intermittent beams to help bear weight. Floor trusses also are extremely flexible in design and can clear large areas, giving interior space a more open feel. The truss system is also interwoven into the fabric of the house, providing deep rooted structural support. These floor joists can also make further renovations on a home easier by allowing room for plumbing, electrical and HVAC needs in the future.
Lumber Efficiency
Trusses are highly efficient in their use of lumber, most types of trusses help conserve forest resources by not requiring wood from old growth forests and the ability to spread out over a large area. Lumber used at Fisher Lumber is some of the highest quality lumber from Maryland. This wood is treated and preserved so you get the most from your money and you have the security of a green and sustainable lumber option for your remodeling needs. Other types of lumber are used in homes depending on buyer demand like Cedar and Pine, these options are high quality, sturdy and load bearing to give your home the best security.
Fisher Lumber for Your Floor Needs
Leland Fisher Lumber has served the homeowners and contractors of the Maryland, Washington D.C and Northern Virginia areas since 1894. We have an eye for quality and know excellent lumber when we see it. From top to bottom, we are able to provide any and all of your renovation materials needed at a competitive price. To see what we can do for you, give us a call at 301-424-6500 or visit us online for more information. For more DIY tips, check us out on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Houzz and Twitter!